Friday, May 18, 2007

Winter is coming

Its cold and wet, and Im lovin it!!!!!! The fire is going, Ive got a big pot of chicken soup started on the stove, the carpets was steam cleaned yesterday, as well as the sofa in the play room (thank goodness, cause it s a blue & white mattress ticking type fabric and it looked filthy and was driving me crazy!) the bathrooms are sparkling clean, Ive nearly caught up on the washing, & the new dishwasher is fantastic. Its amazing what a relatively clean house can do for getting you in a good mood! Ive still got LOTS of folding to do (its all over the sofa, so I have to get it done LOL) but I feel happy and content today!

We have a busy weekend. Kids football tomorrow, then out for dinner with my best friend at one of our favourite swishy restaurants. Sunday is my neices first birthday party.

I had a peek in the latest CK at the newsagents yesterday and I have this LO in there. I still love this photo of Isaac!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


kathie said...

Yep, that's one gorgeous layout there.
Now you've finished your housework, do you want to pop over and do mine, lol. Oh, and you can bring the new dishwasher with you! Ah, I'm so envious...

Mel Diener said...

Isnt'the rain just fabulous (except for the fact that I have washing hanging on the line grr).

Sounds like another full on weekend in the Wood household. Wow, a swish restaurant, I'm envious, have fun won't you!!!

kerry said...

Hi Nic,

That is a fab photo of your little boy,they grow up so quickly almost makes you feel like you could have another one lol.
We have a big weekend as well we are off to footy this afternoon then a trip to Ardrossan to visit my mum tommorrow.Have a good weekend.

natalie michelmore said...

a gorgeous layout Nic,
ahh a clean house! almost forgotten what that is! lol